If you are applying for a green card, you will need to submit to an immigration medical exam as part of the application process. For this exam, you will need to be examined by a US immigration doctor who is authorized by the USCIS. The purpose of the immigration medical exam is to determine whether you qualify for US immigration on health grounds.
A green card doctor will give you several tests, including a Tuberculin (TB) skin test and (blood) tests for HIV and for syphilis. As well, an immigration doctor will confirm that you are current with any vaccines required and will provide you with any vaccines you need to live in the US. These tests will determine whether you have serious diseases which can be transmitted to others. Diseases such as chancroid, Hansen’s disease, lymphogranuloma venereum, gonorrhea, granuloma inguinale, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), infectious state syphilis, and infectious tuberculosis may make you unqualified to get a green card. Drug addiction and lack of adequate vaccines can also affect your green card application. Finally, if a US immigration doctor finds that you have a mental or physical illness that makes you dangerous to others this can also make you ineligible for a green card on medical grounds.
It is normal to be nervous about your immigration medical exam, but there are many things you can do to help assuage your anxieties. A good first step is to find a qualified and compassionate USCIS doctor or immigration doctor approved by the USCIS. A good doctor will administer all tests correctly and will explain all the tests to you, so that you know exactly what to expect. Ask your family doctor in the US, if you have one. Your doctor may even be USCIS approved, in which case you can get tested by your regular physician. If you do not know any US immigration doctors, consider getting a recommendation from a US immigration organizations or a US immigration attorney. Attorneys and resource centers will know of local green card doctors who are compassionate as well as thorough. If you are not certain whether you could pass an immigration medical exam, you will want to consult with a qualified US immigration attorney for advice before visiting a US immigration doctor.
In addition to finding a good green card doctor, you can also prepare for your exam by taking good care of your health and by bringing any copies of documentation you have that prove any vaccinations and any medical care you have received. This will help the immigration doctor determine whether you have the correct vaccinations and inoculations for a green card.