If you are applying for US Citizenship, you will generally need to file Form N-400. However, before you file, you will want to ensure that you qualify for US citizenship Eligibility requirements vary, but are often based on:
1) Permanent residency in the US. Most applicants for US citizenship apply because they have secured a green card
and have maintained permanent residency in the US for five years without leaving the country for more than six months
at a time. You must have maintained a physical presence in the US for at least 30 months and spent at least three
months in your current district or state. In order to be eligible for US citizenship, you must also be 18 years of age or
older and must be of good moral character.
2) Marriage. If you are 18 years or older and are married to a US citizen, you may qualify for US citizenship if you and
your US spouse have been married and living together for the past three years. Your US spouse must have been a
US citizen for at least three years and you must have maintained a physical presence in the US for at least 18 months.
To qualify, you must have lived in your current state or district for at least three months.
3) Military Service. If you are 18 years or older and have served in the US armed forces for at least one year, you
may be eligible for US citizenship. To be eligible, you must be currently with the armed forces or must be filing Form
N-400 within 6 months of an honorable discharge. On the day of your citizenship interview, you must also have your
permanent residency.
4) Active military service. If you are 18 years or older and enlisted in the US and served in World War I or II, in Korea,
in Vietnam, in the Persian Gulf conflict, or after September 11, 2001, you can apply for US citizenship, even if you do
not have your permanent residency.
5) Military bereavement. If you are 18 years or older and were married to a US citizen who died as part of honorable
active duty service in the U.S. Armed Forces, you may be eligible for US citizenship. You must have been married and
living with the US citizen at the time of their death to be legible and you must have your permanent residency by the
time of your citizenship test to qualify.
6) Nationality. If you are 18 years or older and are a US national who has established residence in any state and
are otherwise qualified for citizenship, you may be eligible to file
Form N-400.
In most cases, you must show that you have maintained continuous residence in the US for some time (specific requirements will vary depending on your specific case). You must also demonstrate knowledge of English and of US civics. To be eligible for US citizenship, you must also demonstrate that
you have good moral character.