Immigration being used to beat conservatives, Schlafly claims

Immigration being used to beat conservatives, Schlafly claims78 million new immigrants are expected to have arrived in the United States by the year 2060 and this mass influx will be no accident, according to political activist Phyllis Schlafly. Schlafly believes that President Obama and his friends have created the situation in a deliberate move to annihilate the conservative movement.

The Center for Immigration Studies says that the immigrant population of the United States ‒ legal and illegal alike ‒ will reach 51 million within the next eight years, with one in seven of the nation’s residents being an immigrant; the ratio expected to reach one in five by the year 2060.

“I think one of the reasons Obama and his friends are so eager to open the gates to more and more immigrants is they think it’s going to defeat the conservative movement and the Republican Party.” Schlafly informed on Monday, noting that the great majority of these immigrants come from nations where all decisions are made by the government. “They don’t understand what Americans mean when we talk about limited government, so I think one of their motives clearly is death to the conservative movement and the Republican Party,” she explained.

Conservative author and activist Richard Viguerie shares Schlafly’s concern and fears that the Republican Party is in a no-win situation, not wanting to alienate the Latino demographic by being fiercely anti-immigration but risking alienating its core base entirely by putting up a pro-amnesty candidate for next year’s presidential election.