Most airlines permit travelers to carry with them carry-on bags but the size of their bags must not exceed 45 linear inches. Carry-on bag is a small piece of luggage that you can keep with you in the cabin of the aircraft. You can carry with you, one carry-on bag along with one of your personal items such as your purse, briefcase or your laptop computer and you may keep your visa documents and other immigration papers in your carry-on bag or in your purse. Moreover, many travelers prefer to take with them carry-on bags as they can keep their valuable things with them.
Carry Less
It is always wise to carry less while traveling. Your luggage will be checked and Transportation Security Administration will screen carry-on bags that fit through the x-ray machines. You may contact your airline, prior to packing, in order to know about the maximum size of items that you can carry with you. Some airlines may check all your bags and so it is mandatory to be prepared for all that. Moreover, you may be stopped by an airplane employee, if you carry with you something bigger and you will be permitted to board only after your bag is checked.
Liquids and Prohibited Items
You may not bring more than 3 ounces of liquid and the liquid that you bring must be stored in zip-type plastic bags. This applies to all the liquid items including, shampoos and hair gels. Apart from that, travelers must not bring knives, multipurpose tools, scissors and weapons, with them. You cannot carry with you any item that can be used as a weapon and all such items are banned.
Heavy Items
You need to carefully stow the items that your carry with you and see to that you stow heavy items under the seat and not in the overhead storage bin. The weight of your carry-on bag must not exceed 18kg and you cannot keep your oversized carry-on bag in the cabin of the aircraft.
Check with your airline
Prior to packing your luggage, you may contact the airline or check the TSA website for information on items that are prohibited and to know about the airline’s baggage policy. Some airlines may check all your bags, if the space is limited and hence, it is wise to determine the number and size of the bags your are permitted to carry.